On December 24th 2004, her 93rd birthday, Lana Diane vanished from the historic mansion of Saint Hinton Hall that had since the 1970s been the spiritual home of the movement she founded, DianeTech. She and her entire team that comprised the Better Language Analysis Group have not been heard from since.

Bewildered students say they awoke late on Christmas morning to find that the main and adjoining buildings had been ransacked. Due to the holiday police were slow to react, from the start exhibiting clear Oppressive status by jumping to the patently absurd theory that the staff had 'absconded with the money'.

Under normal circumstances some media interest might have been expected, but as the world knows the following morning came the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. It would be madness to suppose that the two events were connected - would it not?

Within a few months DianeTech had collapsed, attempts to hold it together failing in dispute and lawsuits. The Dianetech website, first created in 1999, was also thought lost but fortunately Wayback Machine had preserved copies and a few images it had missed were found elsewhere. As a first step to rescuing in this group from the whirlpool of history we here present it as it was.